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Uticaj biljke hraniteljke na broj presvlačenja i širinu glavenih kapsula gusenica gubara

dc.creatorMilanović, Slobodan
dc.creatorMilanović, Slađan
dc.description.abstractThe effect of four oak species: Turkey oak, Hungarian oak, sessile oak and English oak on the number of moultings and head capsule width of the gypsy moth caterpillars was researched. Host plants have a statistically significant effect on the number of both male and female larval instars. The highest number of larval instars was recorded for caterpillars fed on sessile oak leaves, and the lowest number was recorded for those fed on Turkey oak leaves. Females reared on Hungarian oak and English oak leaves had a normal number of larval instars. Except for 1st instar caterpillars, all other larval instars showed a statistically significant host plant effect on the head capsule width. The widest head capsules were found on caterpillars fed on Turkey oak leaves, and those fed on sessile oak leaves had the narrowest head capsules. The study data on head capsule widths can be practically applied in the determination of the optimal ratio of larval instars in the gypsy moth population, i.e. in the determination of terms for aerial spraying actions.en
dc.description.abstractU radu su prezentovani rezultati istraživanja uticaja četiri vrste hrasta (cer, sladun, kitnjak i lužnjak) na broj presvlačenja i širinu glavenih kapsula gusenica gubara Lymantria dispar L. Biljke hraniteljke utiču statistički značajno na broj larvenih stupnjeva ženki i mužjaka. Najviše vrednosti broja larvenih stupnjeva su zabeležene kod gusenica hranjenih lišćem kitnjaka a najniže na lišću cera. Kod ženki gajenih na lišću sladuna i lužnjaka utvrđen je normalan broj larvenih stupnjeva. Sa izuzetkom gusenica prvog stupnja, kod svih ostalih larvenih stupnjeva je utvrđen statistički značajan uticaj hraniteljke na širinu glavenih kapsula. Najšire glavene kapsule su izmerene kod gusenica hranjenih lišćem cera a najuže kod onih koje su gajene na lišću kitnjaka. Dobijeni podaci o širinama glavenih kapsula mogu imati praktičnu primenu pri određivanju optimalnog odnosa pojedinih larvenih stupnjeva u populaciji gubara, odnosno pri utvrđivanju teremina za izvođenje akcije
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/43007/RS//
dc.sourceGlasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
dc.subjectLymantria disparen
dc.subjecthost plantsen
dc.subjectnumber of larval instarsen
dc.subjecthead capsule widthen
dc.subjectLymantria disparsr
dc.subjectbiljke hraniteljkesr
dc.subjectbroj larvenih stupnjevasr
dc.subjectširina glavenih kapsulasr
dc.titleHost plant effect on the number of moultings and head capsule width of the gypsy moth caterpillarsen
dc.titleUticaj biljke hraniteljke na broj presvlačenja i širinu glavenih kapsula gusenica gubarasr
dc.citation.other(105): 127-138

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