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Razvoj prediktivnog modela obogaćivanja prehrambenih proizvoda vitaminom D u Srbiji

dc.contributor.advisorKravić, Snežana
dc.contributor.otherStojanović, Zorica
dc.contributor.otherKravić, Snežana
dc.contributor.otherŠoronja-Simović, Dragana
dc.contributor.otherGlibetić, Marija
dc.contributor.otherMandić, Anamarija
dc.creatorMilešević, Jelena
dc.description.abstractA specialized database on the content of vitamin D was created with 981 analytical data on vitamin D content obtained from European databases, of which 658 (67%) were expressed as total vitamin D. The data (for all vitamins) were mainly found for meat, enriched foods/formulations and fish, while D3 data was identified for fish, meat and dairy products. Updating data on vitamin D content in Serbian food composition database (FCDB) was done in 541 foods, dishes and dietary supplements. To enhance the quality of data in Serbian FCDB, content of vitamin D in fresh eggs from the farm and domestic production on the territory of Serbia has been determined. Analysis was performed in Danish Technical University-DTU, Denmark, using standardized HPLC method. Eggs from the farm contained 5.78 μg vitamin D/100 g, while domestic eggs were 2.99 μg vitamin D/100 g, and the average vitamin D content in fresh eggs - 4.39 μg/100 g which value was inserted into Serbian FCDB. The usual dietary intake of vitamin D was analyzed using the SPADE program in the survey covering 605 adult respondents from four regions of Serbia, of which 54% were women. The average intake of vitamin D was found to be 4±1.4μg/day, which is 4.3±1.5 μg/day for men and 3.7±1.2 μg/day for women, and is significantly lower than the recommended Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) values (10 μg/day) and Adequate Intake (AI) values (15 μg/day). As many as 95% of Serbian population are not reaching the EAR values. Nutritional analysis of Serbian diet has shown that the main sources of vitamin D are eggs, fish, meat and dairy products. Consumption of vitamin D-fortified foods (fortified and plant milk, cocoa powder, fortified juices, margarine, and instant cereals) was identified in 35 subjects. Following the criteria for selecting adequate foods for fortification, for the needs of designing the model, 70 foods were selected that were sorted into 7 characteristic food groups: white bread, milk, yoghurt, cheese, sour cream, eggs and tomato puree. The prediction model of food fortification is based on a mathematical formula that calculates the amount of vitamin D (fc) to be added to a particular food group in accordance with: - the amount of consumption of that food vector and - the percentage factor in the total energy intake of the considered foods (food vectors) in the observed population, - the intake of vitamin D on n-th percentile. Seven scenarios were simulated to validate the effect of addition of vitamin D toward reaching the given reference values. In the optimal scenario, AI was reached at the 65th percentile of the population, and vitamin D intake at 95th percentile was below 25 μg/day. In the maximum scenario, 50% of the population was between AI and Upper Tolerable Intake Level (UL), while none has reached UL values. This defines the ranges of optimal and maximum values of vitamin D that, by being added to the chosen food-vectors, can help in reaching vitamin D requirements of Serbian population.en
dc.description.abstractKreirana je specijalizovana baza podataka o sadržaju vitamina D koja sadrži 981 analitički podatak prikupljen iz evropskih baza podataka, od čega je 658 (67%) izraženo u formi ukupnog vitamina D. Podaci o svim vitamerima pronađeni su za meso, obogaćene namirnice/formulacije i za ribu, dok su podaci o D3 pronađeni za ribu, meso i mlečne proizvode. Podaci o sadržaju vitamina D, iz srpske baze podataka o sastavu namirnica (BPSN), ažurirani su za ukupno 541 namirnicu, jelo i dijetetski suplement. Da bi se upotpunio kvalitet podataka o vitaminu D u srpskoj BPSN, određen je sadržaj vitamina D u svežim konzumnim kokošijim jajima proizvedenim na teritoriji Srbije. Analizirana su jaja iz intenzivne proizvodnje i iz malih domaćinstava. Analize su izvedene u laboratoriji Danskog Tehničkog Univerziteta (DTU) standardizovanom HPLC metodom. Sadržaj vitamina D u jajima iz intenzivne proizvodnje iznosio je 5,78 μg/100g, a u jajima iz slobodnog uzgoja 2,99 μg/100 g. Izračunati prosečni sadržaj vitamina D u svežim jajima iznosio je 4,39 μg/100 g te je ovaj podatak unet u srpsku BPSN. Uobičajeni unos vitamina D analiziran je programom SPADE u populaciji koju su činili ispitanici iz četiri regiona Srbije, ukupno 605 odraslih, od toga 54% žena. Ustanovljeno je da uobičajeni prosečni unos vitamina D iznosi 4±1,4 μg/dan, kod muškaraca 4,3±1,5 μg/dan, a kod žena 3,7±1,2 μg/dan, što je znatno niže od preporučenih vrednosti od 10 μg/dan za procenjene prosečne potrebe (Estimated Average Requirement-EAR) i 15 μg/dan za adekvatni unos (Adequate Intake –AI). Čak 95% srpske populacije ne dostiže EAR vrednosti. Analiza ishrane srpske populacije pokazala je da su glavni nutritivni izvori vitamina D jaja, riba, meso i mlečni proizvodi. Konzumacija obogaćenih namirnica vitaminom D (obogaćenih i biljnih mleka, kakao praha, obogaćenih sokova, margarina i instant žitarica) identifikovana je kod trideset petoro ispitanika. Prateći kriterijume za odabir adekvatnih namirnica za obogaćivanje, a za potrebe dizajniranja prediktivnog modela, odabrano je 70 namirnica koje su sortirane u sedam karakterističnih grupa: beli hleb, mleko, jogurt, sir, pavlaka, jaja i paradajz pire. Prediktivni model obogaćivanja namirnica baziran je na matematičkoj formuli kojom se izračunava količina vitamina D (fc) koju treba dodati određenoj namirnici, odnosno grupi namirnica. Izračunata količina zavisi od tri faktora: - prosečne konzumacije date namirnice, ili grupe, u gramima na n-tom percentilu populacije, - njenog (njihovog) procentualnog udela u dnevnom energetskom unosu, - unosa vitamina D (u μg/dan) na n-tom percentilu. Odabrano je sedam scenarija koji su simulirani da bi se validirala efektivnost „dodavanja“ vitamina D radi dostizanja preporučenih nutritivnih vrednosti. U optimalnom scenariju, AI je dostignut na 65. percentilu populacije, a unos vitamina D na 95. percentilu populacije bio je ispod 25 μg/dan. U maksimalnom scenariju, 50% populacije bilo je između AI i gornjeg tolerisanog nivoa nutritivnog unosa (Upper Tolerable Intake Level-UL), pri čemu niko nije dostigao UL vrednosti. Na ovaj način definisane su optimalne i maksimalne količine vitamina D koje se mogu dodati odabranim namirnicama da bi se zadovoljile potrebe, odnosno korigovao unos vitamina D kod srpske populacije.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/41030/RS//
dc.subjectVitamin Den
dc.subjectfood fortificationen
dc.subjectpredictive models of dietary intakeen
dc.subjectVitamin Dsr
dc.subjectobogaćivanje prehrambenih proizvodasr
dc.subjectprediktivni modeli nutritivnog unosasr
dc.titleDevelopment of Predictive Model for Fortification of Foods with Vitamin D in Serbiaen
dc.titleRazvoj prediktivnog modela obogaćivanja prehrambenih proizvoda vitaminom D u Srbijisr



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