Now showing items 190-209 of 1630

      Brucella, Un Genre Bactérien En Expansion : Nouvelles Especes, Nouveaux Réservoirs [1]
      Caffeic acid improves antioxidant defense and attenuates oxidative stress in heart of spontaneously hypersensitive rat [1]
      Calcium Biofortification of Crops–Challenges and Projected Benefits [1]
      Calcium-Alginate-Inulin Microbeads as Carriers for Aqueous Carqueja Extract [1]
      Calorie-Restricted Mediterranean and Low-Fat Diets Affect Fatty Acid Status in Individuals with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease [1]
      CaMKII delta C Drives Early Adaptive Ca(2+)Change and Late Eccentric Cardiac Hypertrophy [1]
      Can Transcranial Electrical Stimulation modulate gambling and gaming behaviors? [1]
      Candidatus neoehrlichia sp. (fu98) and borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in red foxes (vulpes vulpes) from Serbia [1]
      Capacity building in food composition data base in central and eastern Europe, middle east and north Africa countries: successful collaboration between eurofir and other networks [1]
      Capacity development (cd) in nutrition in central and eastern Europe (cee) [1]
      Capacity Development and Harmonization of Food Consumption Data Collection in EFSA EU Menu National Dietary Surveys in Balkan Region-Building: The Evidence Base for Diet Monitoring and Food Systems Transformation [1]
      Capacity development in food and nutrition in central and Eastern Europe: A decade of achievements [1]
      Capacity development in food composition database management and nutritional research and education in Central and Eastern European, Middle Eastern and North African countries [1]
      Capacity development in nutrition in central and eastern Europe: collaboration between nutritional networks [1]
      Capacity development in public health nutrition research in Central and Eastern Europe and Balkan countries [1]
      Case Study Analysis on Agri-Food Value Chain: A Guideline-Based Approach [1]
      Causes and Conditions for Reduced Cultivation and Consumption of Underutilized Crops: Is There a Solution? [1]
      Causes of platelets disfuncion in multiple myeloma [1]
      CD34-subsets as predictors of marrow repopulating or regenerative potential of stem cells: Paradigm of hierarchical vs. coexisting cellular compartments [1]
      Cd38 and interleukin 6 gene polymorphism in b-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia-correlation with clinical and laboratory parametars [1]