Приказ резултата 805-824 од 1531

      Investigation of Porcine Circovirus type 2 (PCV2) antibodies in clinically healthy boars from Serbian commercial farms [1]
      Investigation of Variations in the Human Urine Metabolome amongst European Populations: An Exploratory Search for Biomarkers of People at Risk-of-Poverty [1]
      Involvement of glucocorticoid prereceptor metabolism and signaling in rat visceral adipose tissue lipid metabolism after chronic stress combined with high-fructose diet [1]
      Is Inhibitory Control Related to Conflict in Reasoning: A Preliminary Study [1]
      Is There a FADS2-Modulated Link between Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Plasma Phospholipids and Polyphenol Intake in Adult Subjects Who Are Overweight? [1]
      Is There a Link between Zinc Intake and Status with Plasma Fatty Acid Profile and Desaturase Activities in Dyslipidemic Subjects? [1]
      Is there a need for systematic education on peer-reviewing in Serbia? [1]
      Iscador Qu inhibits doxorubicin-induced senescence of MCF7 cells [1]
      Iscador Qu inhibits doxorubicin-induced senescence of MCF7 cells (vol 7, 3763, 2017) [1]
      Ishrana bazirana na različitim vrstama masti kao faktor rizika za cerebrovaskularni insult [1]
      Ishrana bolesnika sa novodijagnostikovanim rakom pluća [1]
      Ishrana i kardiovaskularne bolesti [1]
      Isokinetic Testing: Sensitivity of the Force-Velocity Relationship Assessed through the Two-Point Method to Discriminate between Muscle Groups and Participants' Physical Activity Levels [1]
      Isolation of Borrelia lusitaniae from the blood of a patient with multiple erythema migrans [1]
      Isolation of Hemoglobin from Bovine Erythrocytes by Controlled Hemolysis in the Membrane Bioreactor [1]
      Ispitivanja urodinamskih disfunkcija kod bolesnika sa multiplom sklerozom [1]
      Ispitivanje dejstva persirćetne kiseline na lipidnu komponentu bakterijskih spora i doprinos standardizaciji testa za ocenu efikasnosti [1]
      Ispitivanje oksidativnog stresa i krvne slike ovaca odgajanih u regiji koja je bila izložena delovanju municije sa osiromašenim urnijumom (DU) [1]
      Ispitivanje oporavka kriokonzervisanih matičnih ćelija hematopoeze namenjenih transplantaciji [1]
      Ixodes ricinus immunogenic saliva protein, homologue to Amblyomma americanum AV422: Determining its potential for use in tick bite confirmation [1]