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Masti različitog porekla u ishrani kao faktor rizika u pojavi cerebro-vaskularnog insulta

dc.creatorPetrović-Oggiano, Gordana P.
dc.creatorDamjanov, Vlasta
dc.creatorPavlović, Mirjana A.
dc.creatorRistić, G.
dc.creatorGlibetić, Marija
dc.creatorMitić, R.
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the paper was to investigate whether nutrition based on animal fats in the group of patients who used them as dominant-group S ( the patients of Greek Orthodox creed), is a more significant risk factor in the development of stroke than nutrition based on vegetable fats-group A ( the patients of Muslim creed). At the same time, the aim of the article was to find the parameters of lipid status which would define in a better way the connection between hypercholesterolemia and apoplexy. The research was done on 230 patients with ischemic CVI who underwent hospital treatment at the Neurological Clinic of the Clinical-Hospital Centre in Pristine. The patients at the Neurological Clinic of the Clinical-Hospital Centre in Pristine were divided into two groups: Group A (n=130)- the patients who based their nutrition mainly on vegetable fats (the patients of Muslim creed) and Group S (n=100)- the patients who based their nutrition mainly on saturated fats ( the patients of Geek Orthodoc creed). It was stated that the intake of both vegetable and animal fats in larger quantities bears a risk of the development of the cerebra-vascular insult. The intake of saturated fats is a higher risk factor leading to the increased values of cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL-cholesterol in the group of patients of Greek Orthodox creed (group S) in comparison to the group of patients of Muslim creed (groupA). .en
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita da li ishrana bazirana na mastima životinjskog porekla u grupi pacijenata u kojoj je ona dominantna - grupa S (pacijenti pravoslavne veroispovesti), predstavlja značajniji faktor u pojavi cerebro vaskularnog insulta u odnosu na grupu u čijoj ishrani su dominirale masnoće biljnog porekla, grupa A (pacijenti muslimanske veroispovesti). U isto vreme, cilj je bio da se ispita i bolje definiše veza između hiperholesterolemije i apopleksije. U našem radu ispitano je 230 bolesnika sa ishemičnim CVI, koji su hospitalno lečeni u KBC-u Priština u periodu od 01.01.-01.08.1998. g. Pacijenti su selektovani u dve grupe: Grupa A (n=130) - pacijenti čija je ishrana bila bazirana na mastima biljnog porekla (pacijenti muslimanske veroispovesti) i Grupa S (n=100) - pacijenti čija je ishrana bila pretežno bazirana na mastima životinjskog porekla (pacijenti pravoslavne veroispovesti). Ustanovljeno je da i ishrana biljnim i animalnim mastima u većoj količini može doprineti razvoju cerebrovaskularnog insulta. S tim što unos zasićenih masti nosi znatno veći rizik u povećanju vrednosti lipidnih parametara u grupi pacijenta pravoslavne veroispovesti (Grupa S) u poređenju sa grupom pacijenata muslimanske veroispovesti (Grupa A). .sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Prištini - Medicinski fakultet, Kosovska Mitrovica
dc.sourcePraxis medica
dc.subjectfats in nutritionen
dc.subjectcerebro-vascular insulten
dc.subjectmasti u ishranisr
dc.subjectcerebro-vaskularni insultsr
dc.titleFats of different origin in nutrition as a risk factor in the development of cerebro-vascular insult (stroke)en
dc.titleMasti različitog porekla u ishrani kao faktor rizika u pojavi cerebro-vaskularnog insultasr
dc.citation.other34(3-4): 25-30



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