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Routes of pathogens spread: phytogeographic analyses

dc.creatorĆirković, Valentina
dc.description.abstractFilogeografija podrazumeva prostorno-vremensku rekonstrukciju evolutivne istorije različitih patogena u cilju predviđanja pojave zaraznih bolesti, detekcijom ključnih vrsta domaćina i geografskih područija sa kojih se patogeni šire, kao i potencijalni uticaj kretanja prirodnih rezervoara u prirodi na dalje širenje zoonotskih bolesti. Filogeografska analiza može se raditi primenom dva različita pristupa: filogeografija sa diskretnim lokacijama i filogeografija u kontinuiranom prostoru. Za rekonstrukciju prostorno-vremenske evolutivne istorije koristi se Bajesova metoda implementirana u BEAST softverski paket. Pored odgovarajućeg evolutivnog modela, izabranog na osnovu vrednosti AIC kriterijuma u jModelTest programu, neophodno je kalibrisati i ostale parametre u BEAST softveru (molekularni sat, demografski model) u cilju dobijanja što pouzdanijeg modela za analizu distribucije patogena. U studiju smo uključili 275 sekvenci NS5 gena linije 2 Virusa Zapadnog Nila (VZN), izolovanih sa različitih geografskih lokacija u cilju analize prostorno-vremenskog širenja pomenutog patogena. Geografska lokacija zajedno sa godinom izolacije su bile dostupne u NCBI (https://www.ncbi.nlm. nih.gov/nucleotide/) bazi podataka. Filogeografska analiza je rađena u BEAST v1.10.4 softverskom paketu primenom relaksiranog molekularnog sata i Gaussian Markov random field (GMRF) Skyride modela. Za procenu konvergencije Markovljevog lanaca Monte Karlo (MCMC) i za utvrđivanje efektivne veličine uzorka za svaki od parametara (≥200), korišćen je program TRACER v1.6. Filogenetsko stablo konstruisano primenom Bajesove metode, analizirano je u programu FigTree v1.4.4. Vremenski kalibrisano filogenetsko stablo NS5 gena VZN-a je pokazalo da se većina sekvenci iz Srbije grupiše zajedno sa sekvencama iz Grčke, formirajući jedan veliki monofiletski klaster. Analizom molekularnog sata je utvrđeno da je VZN-a ušao u Srbiju 2002. godine. Filogeografska analiza je ukazala da je VZN najverovatnije u Srbiju ušao iz Mađarske i da je nastavio lokalno da se širi. Rezultati naše studije su pokazali da je u Srbiji linija 2 VZN-a bila u cirkulaciji čitavu deceniju pre prve epidemije 2012. godine, i time potvrdili značaj molekularno-bioinformatičkog pristupa u sagledavanju evolutivne istorije i puteva širenja ovog patogena.sr
dc.description.abstractPhylogeographic analysis reconstruction of evolutionary history of different pathogens aimed to predict of emergence of infectious diseases by detecting the key host species and the geographic areas from which pathogens spread and prediction of the impact of movement of natural reservoirs on the spread of viral diseases. Spatiotemporal reconstructions can be assessed by two different phylogeographic approaches; phylogeographic inference in discrete space and phylogeography in continuous space and time. The Bayesian method implemented in the BEAST software package is used to reconstruct the spatio-temporal evolutionary history. In addition to the appropriate evolutionary model, chosen based on the value of the AIC criteria in the jModelTest program, it is necessary to calibrate other parameters in the BEAST software (molecular clock, demographic model) in order to obtain the most reliable model for distribution analysis. In the present study we included 319 partial NS5 segment sequences of WNV, isolated from different geographic areas with the aim to explore spatio-temporal dispersal out of Africa. Sampling time and trapping localities for all isolates were available in NCBI (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nucleotide/ ) public databases at the time of the study. Phylogeographic analysis was done in BEAST v1.10.4 software package using relaxed molecular clock i Gaussian Markov random field (GMRF) Skyride model. The convergence of parameters was assessed through the ESS>200 checked using Tracer v1.6. Phylogenetic tree was visualized using FigTree software v1.4.4. Bayesian clade credibility (MCC) tree of the NS5 gene showed that majority of Serbian isolates was grouped in a single large clade together with sequences from Greece and Romania, thus forming large monophyletic clade. Molecular clock analysis estimated the time of the most recent common ancestor (tMRCA) of the local WNV epidemic in Serbia to around 2002. Phylogeographic analysis implied introduction of WNV-2 to Serbia from Hungary and further local spread. Our results evidence presence and circulation of WNV-2 in Serbia a decade prior to the first evidenced outbreak in 2012, and demonstrate the usefulness of bioinformatic methods providing a comprehensive view of the viral evolutionary history.sr
dc.publisherBelgrade: Serbian Society for Microbiologysr
dc.source23 UMS Series "Emerging infectious diseases: Are we ready for new evolutionary challenges?”, 30 March - 01 April, 2023, Belgrade, Serbia – E Abstract Booksr
dc.titlePutevi širenja patogena: filogeografske analizesr
dc.titleRoutes of pathogens spread: phytogeographic analysessr



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